суббота, 23 января 2016 г.

Transitions by using shaders in QML

I've been working on a small QML plugin which allows to use shader effects between two QML scenes. All transitions between QML views are implemented by using ShaderEffect and written in GLSL.
 This short video can show some of those transitions.

The video also shows that the content of QML pages can be various. It doesn't matter whether a QML page has maps or any interactive element such Buttons or ListView for instance or maybe it's just a static picture.
 The plugin is very simple. Let's have a look how to do it on a small example:

Here ShaderTransitionView is a QML element which provides stack-based navigation model with effects shown above. It's still in development. At this moment it has two methods push() and pop(). The method push(...) takes a string argument - path to a QML file which will be displayed as the next scene. The method pop() removes the last page from the stack and displays the previous one.
 ShaderTransitionView also has some properties which allow user to define a graphical effect, set options of any graphical effect. A small example will show better how it works.

The property shaderEffect defines which transition we would like to apply when a view is changed. Each transition has a set of unique options. They can be defined by using an array as it's shown in this example.
 More description, source code and will come soon when the plugin has a decent implementation.

среда, 21 октября 2015 г.

Implementation of a slide menu in QML

In my first note I'd like to show you how to implement a slide menu by using QML. These sorts of menu we often can see in many Android apps and sometimes on web sites. We can search for hundreds of examples how to implement it.
 Here we are going to talk about an implementation of a menu when the layer of it is located above the surface of the main screen. It's a very common case and it can be found in many and many Android applications. You can see an example of it in this video

 First of all, you need to have a possibility to pull out your menu from the left side whatever your app has on its surface. The surface can have buttons or any flickable items such as ListView or GridView. Let's have a look on source code.

Here is an example of a QML file with a slide menu.
 First of all we need to consider properties of the menu which somehow describe its state and help to interact with other elements of your app.
  • durationOfMenuAnimation - it's a quite understandable property which describes how fast the menu opens by pressing on a menu button.
  • menuWidth - describes the width of the menu.
  • widthOfSeizure - this is a very interesting property. It describes the width of area from the left side which allows you to pull out the menu.
  • menuIsShown - it's a logical variable shows the state of the menu.
  • menuProgressOpening - shows how much the menu is being open. It changes between 0 (the menu is fully closed) and 1 (the menu is fully open)
 Let's start consideration how it works. Here we have three main fragments:
  • a top bar
  • the menu
  • a loader
Those three components form the main screen of our app.

The top bar contains the menu button. We will consider it a little later. As we can see, initially the menu is shifted to the left for a whole width.

 x: -menuWidth

The area at the left side of the screen is a mouse area which is attached to the right side of the menu so we can pull out the menu by using the MouseArea. Each time when we release the MouseArea this fragment decides whether the menu will be closed again or fully open.

If the menu was released on less than a half way it would return to the previous state. It will be closed. If it was pulled out more than a half way, it would be fully open. This behaviour exactly repeats an action what all similar menus do.
 Whenever the menu is open the MouseArea expands until the right side of the screen.

width: app.menuIsShown ? (app.width - menuWidth) : widthOfSeizure

so a user can tap on any area outside of the menu and it will be closed. You can see that on the picture below

or it's also possible to tap on the menu button. If a user taps on it a function onMenu() is being called. It checks whether the menu is open or not and just changes its position by x.
 The property menuProgressOpening just helps to change the menu button simultaneously with its moving. It changes from 0 to 1. 
 The main idea of the button was taken from this project. I just changed that code to make the button follow changing of menu position. 
 Here is a short video of this menu showing how it works.

The source code of the project can be found on Githib. Any questions and notes are always welcome.